Chris Elmquist wrote:
BTW, where does a guy find the nice RED plastic lens
that is usually put
in front of a bank of 7-segment displays to hide the view of the parts
and show only the lighted segments showing through?
Is it just red plexiglass or is there a specific color and transmissive
capability that is typically used?
If you look for "bezel" in electronics catalogs you'll see both grey and
filters... but that's a good way to pay a lot of money for ten cents
of plexiglass :-).
The Rohm-Haas color code for the red transluscent
plexiglass you want is #2423, it's fairly common at real plastics
supply houses. Now finding good plastics retail shops that'll sell
or even give away small scraps today is not as easy as 20 years
ago... a 4x8 sheet of this stuff is pretty huge for TIL305's! Shops
that make and sell signs might have some small pieces for you.