On Wed, 10 Dec 2003, Kelly Leavitt wrote:
We regularly purchase databases from outside sources.
All but a few default
to sending these on 9-track 1/2" tape (the bigger reels too). The mail
houses still using the 1/2 tapes actually have a service charge of $75 to
$100 per ten-thousand names to put them on floppy, cd or email. Maybe
they're just trying to get rid of the thousands of junk tapes they have
around. Anyway, I end up with a closet full of tapes every year.
This reminds me of the telephone company charging to NOT have your name
listed in the phone book* (perhaps ink costs MORE when they use less, or
maybe the NOT_LISTED field in their database table takes up so much data
that it requires them to have additional disk drive space on hand to
accomodate it).
* at least where I am
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