On Tue, 25 Aug 1998, John Foust wrote:
At 09:35 PM 8/24/98 -0700, you wrote:
Blame the lawyers and the liabililty laws... (from a one time float
builder and one who remembers when it was actually fun to be in a parade)
Or maybe we could blame the people who've asked the lawyers to pursue
those ridiculous cases, or the people who passed those laws... Don't
blame the litigator. :-)
Well, don't whitewash them either. The "ambulance chasers" are not all
dead or reformed, you know."
- don
Am I now supposed to write a pro-libertarian rant, and
in the same
paragraph declare this thread off-topic so as to squash subsequent
discussion? This mailing-list netiquette stuff is so tricky.
- John