Hmm...can't help you with that; never tried it.
I do remember,
however, reading something recently (here? or maybe NetBSD's
port-vax list?) about the TZ30 not being a well-behaved SCSI citizen
and needing some tweaks in somebody's (NetBSD's?) SCSI driver somewhere
to work properly.
I know it's fussy on PC SCSI controllers, but I expected it to work on a
DECstation since some of the older ones came with TZ30's. I'm suspecting
the 5000/133 is too new of a model to support it (sort of like trying to
use a RRD40 (think that's the right designation for the external SCSI
CD-ROM with the wierd caddies) on a Alpha (though the Alpha will recognize
it, the software won't allow it).
Sounds like it's a good thing I didn't waste my time trying to finish
getting NetBSD up and running on the DECstation.
I also tried it on my PII/333 Linux box, with a Diamond UW-SCSI card, but
didn't really expect that to work. I swear that (*$ ^&@* thing won't talk
to anything but a Exabyte tape drive!
Coincidentally though, Zane, I'm doing the same
thing tonight...I
just finished putting together an 11/73 and now (in parallel with a
few other things) I'm trying to figure out how to get the
distribution onto a TK50.
I have a MicroVAX 3100-80 running VMS 7.2 with a TZ30...perhaps I
could write that tape there? Anybody know what VMS incantations I'd
have to do to "get there from here"?
*I WISH*!!!! If that was the case I'd have just stuffed a cleaned TK50
drive in the MicroVAX 3 in the garage (been meaning to anyway). However,
reading the doc's on BACKUP, the smallest blocksize it supports is 2048,
and to make the boot tape you need 512 and 1024-byte blocks. Is there a
VMS equivalent of 'dd'? Dang, the person at work I loaned my UNIX for VMS
Users book must still have it :^( It's not on the shelf where it belongs.
I've got my RSX-11 drives in the /73 at the moment (gotta love SCSI drive
sleds), and had originally planned on using PIP to put the files on the
tape. BTW, do you have any idea how long it takes to do a DECnet copy of
those files? Sheesh! Just that killed several hours.
Anyway I'm thinking using PIP and telling it the Block-Size *should* work.
That's when the TZ30 decided to act up. I think I've got that taken care
of, now I've got to scrounge up another tape.
Once again
I'm asking myself *why* am I doing this, I like my UNIX
lightening fast and flashy.
Well, I've never run Unix on an '11...but you and I both have run a
lot of 11s in our day, and you know darn well there's nothing
slouchy about a J11. ;)
-Dave McGuire
Yeh, but my reason for running all these old systems is so I can play with
the OS's. I use UNIX every day, so this strikes me as being kind of stupid
and a waste of my time. But hey, I'm determined to get UNIX to boot, and
in the long run I hope to have 2.11BSD, Ultrix-11, and UNIX V7M all
running! Never said I don't do things I think are stupid :^)
| Zane H. Healy | UNIX Systems Adminstrator |
| healyzh(a) (primary) | Linux Enthusiast |
| healyzh(a) (alternate) | Classic Computer Collector |
| Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing, |
| and Zane's Computer Museum. |
| |