From: "Vintage Computer Festival" <vcf at>
On Fri, 2 Sep 2005, Brent Hilpert wrote:
Granted that dealing wih IBM stuff is difficult
in the absence of the rest of
the system if you want it be anything other than a big dead artifact (which I
guess is why you are annoyed with their occupation of your warehouse.)
Well, I can't be too annoyed since I'm the one that put them there :) But
that was basically my point: without any real chance of getting a full
system, what's the point of having them? You can get them running in a
test mode and have a tape being de-spooled from one reel onto a take-up
reel, but that's about it.
I see no reason one couldn't connect it to just about any machine.
Not an original configuration but still, a working setup. One
might even recover data from original tapes this way.