Its a X25
Packet/Assembler/Dissasembler. It allows ordinary Async
Terminals to be connected to an X.25 network. In the UK all Universities
had such networks under the umbrella of JANET. Some at Janet probably
has a manual. I have forgotten almost every thing I know about them. I
have asked one of my former colleagues if he has any info.
Or depending on the model, to an Ethernet. I've still got one here.
I thought htat, strictly, that was an 'iso ether PAD', not a 'JNT PAD'.
Well, at work actually - found a few years ago when
Estates wanted to
I have one. I also have a full set of spare boards for it (it was given
to me by somebody who thought I might need those to repair faults, I
guess he didn't know how I work :-)). I've never done anything with it,
one day,. perhaps...
I also have a 'York Box'. This is another bit of UK network history. It's
actually a BAl11-V (the small DEC Q-bux box) containing an SBC21 (single
board computer), a 32KW memory board, a DPV11 (sync serial port) and a
DRV11 (parallel port). It was used to conenct hosts that didn't directly
support X25 to JANET. The host connected either via the parallel
interface or via one of the async ports on the SBC21, the X25 link went
to the DPV11.