Listen fellows...
I worked for two of the major hardware/software suppliers for the Radio S=
hack Color Computers. I have 10 of them in the next room, as well as a Ta=
no Dragon 64k.
A stock Color Computer or Color Computer 2 has no Composite output. It on=
I don't think anybody disagrees with that. I certain;y don't. I've only
seen the UK model of the CoCo2, which has a PAL-encoded modulated UHF
output(on our channel 36), but still no composite output.
However, as you said in another message, it is very easy to modiy a CoCo1
or CoCo 2 (which have essentialyl the same video circuit) to extract the
compostie video signal. At the time this discussion started, the OP
hadn't stated that he didn't want to modify his CoCo, and that he wasn't
happy making things (in fact, I thought his original message said 'buy or
build), so it was, IMHO, reasonable to suggest doing this. Of coure the
OP ican do what he likes with his own machines.
ly has an RF Modulator that tunes to channels 3 or 4
VHF (U.S. Models, I =
have no experience with other versions).
You cannot GET a composite signal without cracking the case and soldering=
a few wires to a simple circuit to clean up the signal. Several companie=
My experience is that if uyou simply conenct the video input pin of the
modualtor to a compostie TV-rate monitor (with no otehr circuitry),
you'll get a useable picture. The cotnrast will be a bit low (it helps if
you turn off the termination i tneh monitor to increas its input
impedanec, reflections o nthe cable are not a problem for short cables)
Addign the buffer is a good idea, of course.