"Mysterious PDP-10's in Stockholm".
There is lot's of stuff in the wharehouse...
KA10 2 (110V, complete, unknown condition gift from SC-group)
BBN Pager 1 Sails's KA pager
KI10 4 Three complete, Simon, UCI, Medecindata, Aarhus
KL10A 1 "MIT-MC" complete with T300 disks on PDP11
KL10B (1090) 2 Oden (QZ Stockholm) (complete)
KL10B (1091) 1 Tempest (Foa studielabb) (complete)
KL10B (2065) 1 Vera (KTH)
KS10 3 SC-group, TSL-data
SC30 3 One in working condition (gift from SC-Group)
TOAD-1 1 Working
With the exception of A PDP-6 (have only one card Pulsed BUS
Transceiver 1665D) the Foonley's and the Minnow and a SC40, I beleive
there is a complete collection of PDP-10's.
Lot's of stuff, like a SA-10 IBM chanel adapter, cards, manuals,
spares, perpherials: TU77, TU78, TU45, RP07, RP20, RP06, TU70,
TU71, DN87, DN200, TU55, TU56, RH10, DF10, DC10 DS10, RM05.
And enough IO-bus, Memory-Bus, Massbus etyc cables to put it
There is other related stuff like one of the original CADR's, PDP8/E,
PDP9, PDP12/LINC12..
I don't remember what hapened to "Katia", when the Stacken management
decided to destroy the PDP10's, some equipment and tools (like my 2020-
extender-card, 7-trk ITS distribution, Rp06 aligment pack) was lost.
Pices of Katia might be in the warehouse. Idea was to attach the
BBN-pager to a working KA.
As for proof, here are some pictures, as you can se it's packed, and
unless someone provides a very compelling argument, it will stay packed.
Ps: I'm not a member of the mailinglist, so please send me questions