From: cclist at
On 24 Nov 2007 at 22:27, dwight elvey wrote:
I got my math wrong. The fellow is also wrong.
45/60 = .75.
100/.75 = 133.333....
If rounded to 133, you get 45.11278195----
Still, using Tony's multiple method, 400 dots
would work fine. It would be a large disk but
it would work.
45 rpm is 0.75 r/sec. The strobe lamp flashes 100 times per second
(50Hz * 2). So, the disc completes 3 complete revolutions in 4
seconds. During those same 4 seconds, the lamp flashes 400 times.
So there needs to be 400/3 bars on the disc if there is to be a bar
exactly underneath the lamp for every flash, or 133.3333 bars, which
causes the problem. If we increase the number of bars to 133
exactly, the disk will be turning at 100/133 = 0.75188 r/sc or about
45.1128 rpm.
If we put 400 bars on the disk, the lamp will flash once for every
third bar passing under it. Not the crisp display we were hoping
for, however--and I don't know what the visual error would be without
trying it.
At least that's how I compute it. So maybe the guy is right.
Hi Chuck
I was thinking about Tony's idea of the multiple and it occurred
to me that there was an issue. We've been thinking of the
flashes as instantaneous strobes while they have duration.
This would, as you state, cause a loss of contrast. This
would tend to overlap the dots and white space of adjacent
This would indicate that a continuous 400 dots would most likely
work poorly.
Still, the spiral method should work fine, with just as much
contrast as the single row method. One could use the original
size dots and spacing.
So, I feel that the fellow was incorrect that such a strobe disk
could not be made for exact 45 RPM.
Now, looking at the 78 RPM problem, the task seems more
difficult, for both 60Hz and worst for the 50Hz.
Still, three or four spirals with the correct spacing would be
enough, even if it didn't come out to a nice integer.
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