Ok, I'm going to close the list for the 1802s for now. Here are the
people I have. If you sent me email about this and I've missed you, let
me know.
Dave McGuire
Alex Knight
Peter Turnbull
Ethan Dicks
Mike Haas
Robert Cobbins
Tony Eros
Mike Cheponis
Chandra Bajpai
Richard A. Cini, Jr.
Jeff Hellige
Richard Schauer
I'll be in touch with each of you individually by email to confirm
that you still want the parts and exchange shipping addresses and so
forth. I think that personal checks will probably be the easiest thing
for me to handle at this point. Some of you have suggested PayPal, and
I'll probably look into that in the future, but if I try to set that up
right now it'll just delay things further. Sorry I'm not real quick
about all this -- I can do real preemptive multitasking, but I've only
got an 8-bit data bus to work with, and I have to keep swapping these
clunky 8K blocks in and out of my 16-bit address space. Besides, I've
got to do all this to the tune of a 1.87 Mhz clock. But I _do_ have a
hardware MUL! That's all to say that I'll get it all done, but it may
take me a while. If any of you have a real good reason to want to get
some chips fast, let me know and I'll push you on the stack last.
Joel Ewy