Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2010 00:05:05 -0200
From: "Alexandre Souza - Listas" <pu1bzz.listas at>
Subject: Re: apple Lisa2. One working!! - one to go?
An example to ilustrate the talk:
Definitely interesting and somewhat relevant, but not quite the same
thing; that deals with the common problem of replacing 24pin 8K 23xx type
ROMs (or 68764/66 EPROMs) with a 27xx equivalent EPROM (with multiple
images in this example), whereas Tony was talking about replacing a 2716
with a larger 27xx EPROM, not quite the same thing or adapter.
Thanks Mike, but please, read again:
An example to ILUSTRATE the talk: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I've read it again, and I'd still say that although it's somewhat relevant
it's not what Tony was talking about.
Although the pictures and schematic illustrate the general idea of (badly)
making this *kind of* adapter (try reprogramming that EPROM ;-), I think it
would have been more useful to link to an illustration and schematic of what
Tony was actually talking about, i.e. adapting a 2716 (instead of a 2364).
You can buy those adapters for $5.00, by the way.
Am I missing something?