On Sun, 2007-06-05 at 09:31 -0700, Zane H. Healy wrote:
At 5:18 AM +0100 5/6/07, Rod Smallwood wrote:
How common are 10/100BaseT Hubs with a BNC connection?
I know I've
never seen one. Any hub I've seen with a BNC connection has been
limited to 10Mbit.
I think they are pretty uncommon, but it doesn't much matter. Get a
10BaseT hub with a BNC port and connect it to your 100BaseTX switch.
That way, your 100 Mbps devices get full speed; all the traffic to the
thinnet devices gets routed via your hub.
I don't know if this is an option with the particular network card in
question, but my solution to this problem has been to get AUI to 10BaseT
converters. Most network cards of this vintage have AUI ports. That
saves me the bother of making a thinnet segment. I got some new
converters a year or so ago for just a few dollars each off the auction