It was thus said that the Great Pete Joules once stated:
I have just got a couple of VT320s and connected one to my MicroVAX II
instead of the Wyse 50 that came with it. I see more messages during
the boot process now, including a menu at the start asking me what
language to use.
When I am using Ultrix and running vi how do I get back from edit to
command mode - I can't find an Esc key on the VT320?
Having a VT320, the ESC key can be in one of two places, depending upon
how you set up the terminal (F3 for setup): F11 (or rather, where the F11
key would be if labeled as such, on my keyboard it's 'Alt Char') or just to
the left of the '1' key (on my keyboard, labeled ~ESC`). One setting puts
the ESC on F11, and the ~ESC` key returns ~`, the other setting has the
~ESC` key return ESC and the ~` characters are remapped to the key labeled
< (between the Z and left shift - and annoying me to
no end).
If all else fails, you can always hit Ctrl-[ to generate an ESC character.
-spc (Would like to use the VT320, just ran out of serial ports on my
Linux box 8-)