Eric J Korpela wrote:
Yep, just checked. RND(1) seems more typical. There
are a few basic
dialects listed on my Ahl's simple benchmark page...
I see the page -- but where the results? That is the most interesting part.
Measuring the dc bias of the random generator this way (with only 1000 samples)
is pretty meaningless.
Here goes for some machines I have at hand that aren't MS BASIC varients. All
use the generic BASIC version listed on your page, with exceptions noted.
Wang BASIC (1st generation 2200T CPU)
Time: 2:46
Accuracy: 1.14320000E-05
Random: 13.68, 22.9, 10.0, 9.5, 2.04, 17.9, 15.6, ...
Notes: all math is double precision BCD
RND is particularly slow on this BASIC
Wang BASIC-2 (2nd generation 2200VP CPU)
Time: 4.94 seconds
Accuracy: .000000076
Random: 2.16, 4.98, 7.22, 14.01, 27.2, 1.16, 21.7, ...
Notes: all math is double precision BCD
Processor Technology BASIC/5
Time: 3:52
Accuracy: .1021
Random: 30.2, 19.3, 6.5, 17.1, 4.4, 20.7, 2.1, ...
Notes: must use RND(1)
must use A=A*A instead of A=A^2
Processor Technology Extended Cassette BASIC
Time: 3:17
Accuracy: .0379
Random: 9.79, 13.6, 8.0, 34.6, 23.4, 4.28, ...
Notes: must use RND(0);
A=A*A instead: time = 1:41, accuracy = .0009
IBM 5120
Time: 39 seconds
Accuracy: 3.458354E-10
Random: .042, 0.89, 25.3, 11.4, 9.5, ...
Notes: must use RND, and use RND(val) to set the seed
only one statement per line allowed
numerics are double precision binary
Time: 5:42
Accuracy: .00000011
Random: 13.0, 11.7, 5.71, 6.9, 2.1, ...
Notes: uses double precision numbers with base-100 encoding
I have a few other machines I could run this on, but would require some
rearranging to get them set up: HP-87, Heath H89 Benton Harbor BASIC, a few
varieties of CP/M BASICs, a TI-74 handheld.