What follows is a ten-point plan outlining the primary
issues of digital archaeology
I love it when someone publishes an article without
doing any proper
His total lack of knowledge of the subject was obvious by what he thought
the 10 primary issues were. He seems ignorant of the serious problem of verifying
that a program was copied in its original form (as opposed to have been hacked, or
with viruses) or the need for EVERY archival container to have something like an
MD5 sum to detect corruption in the future.
One of the problems I have as a CHM curator is trying to decide how much of the
on line stuff that is out there from the pre-PC time period to snapshot (there's a
As someone else mentioned, the monoculture and proprietary systems are the real
preservation problems, mid 80's or so and beyond. The best I've been able to come
up with is to try to save as many SDKs as I can find, which at least gives some
level of detail on how they worked.