Continuing my clear-out of garage, loft and spare room:
Apple Two-Page Monochrome Monitor, Family M1025Z, 100-240V,
with 13W3 video input connector. No manuals, cables or
info on compatibility. Don't even know if it works.
Sun 19" colour monitor, HM-4119-S-AA-0 built by Hitachi,
Sun part number 365-1006-01. Works with Sun-3s and the
like, with four BNC video inputs. Working order.
Printronix P300 dot-matrix line printer. Needs cleaning,
but otherwise working.
Canon laser print engine. No controller, but a direct
video interface to a Sun-3 VME card (included). No driver
MIPS R4000 case and power supply only. Size of a PC
tower-case, maybe slightly larger.
Diablo daisywheel printer. Missing daisywheel.
Altos P-system machine, twin 8-inch floppy disk drives plus
14-inch hard disk. With boot disks.
Epson PC AX 286-based PC clone.
Monochrome PC screen Taxan KX-123-B.
DEC TU77 reel-to-reel magtape drive. Massbus interface,
with formatter for DECsystem-20 (PDP-10).
Calcomp 565 digital incremental drum plotter, built in
1960s. Missing pen-holder.
Personal Computer World magazines, 1984/85/86 plus a few
extra copies from other years.
Six Seagate ST42400ND differential SCSI hard disks. 2.1Gb
capacity per drive.
Compaq laptop power supply, Series 2812 for use with 2810
notebook computers.
VAX power supply, model H7100B, 5V, 100A.
TeleVideo terminal model TVI925.
TeleVideo terminal model TVI970.
Acoustic hood for silencing dot-matrix printers. With fan
for ventilation.
All this stuff is free (although swaps are OK!) for
collection in Bristol, near the M4/M5 motorways. E-mail me
directly for more info on any of these items.
John Honniball
Email: John.Honniball(a)
University of the West of England
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