Interested in identification, will entertain offers if you
can use.
This is an unused socket pin wire wrap board that I think
(based on the "B" logo) is a Burroughs. Each of the card
edge connectors is 3 inches across. The top edge is rough
(hack saw man again) but the board looks pretty complete
P1010001.JPG - Pin side, pins W57, W58 and three pins on
row Z1 are broken off (4th, 5th and 6th
from the right)
P1010003.JPG - Socket side, note the B logo upper left
P1010009.JPG - Close up of the B logo
This is an unused, unidentified proto board. Each of the
card edge connectors is 4 inches across.
P1010011.JPG - (Front?)
P1010012.JPG - (Back?)
I got a bunch of each of these. There are 5 different
"styles" of boards in this picture. They are only clad on
one side and there are no markings of any kind on the "back"
sides. The more narrow boards on the right side of the
picture have holes drilled through on the row of pads at the
end. The narrow board with the IC pads at the center has
holes drilled through on those pads as well. The bigger
board on the left only has holes drilled through on the
small round pads at its right side. All of the ovals on this
board have holes through the foil only. It's hard to see in
the picture, but all of the boards are on relatively modern
looking green board with the exception of the lower right
board. That one is on a dark red/brown board I'm used to
seeing in old radios. Someone also hand drilled a couple of
holes on the pads at the right end of this board. The narrow
boards are 2 1/8 inches wide, the short ones are 4 inches long,
the long ones are 6 inches. The big board on the left is
4 x 5 1/4 inches.
P1010014.JPG - Foil sides
This board (I got three) is solid clad on both sides (Obviously
intended to be etched). It is 10 inches long by 4 1/2 inches
wide. The "narrowed" end (intended for card edge?) is 4 1/4
inches wide. There are four rows of holes drilled through at
that end in a staggered pattern. The short rows have 20 holes,
the long rows have 21.