Google for H7109 turns up two dealers (the cheapest in
Irving, TX(!),
at which list an H7109-C as a
VLC POWER SUPP". This is the >same thing, yes? Anybody
have experience
with, or opinions on, that dealer? There are also multiple >other H7109
(-A, -B) listed, which look not to be what I'm after.
I opened up my VLC and it has an H7109-C PSU in it.
Some googling suggests that an H7109-A is for a VT1000
and an H7109-B is for a VXT2000. They may well be similar
in size from what I remember of the respective enclosures.
I'd power up and check a few voltages but my multimeter
is in the office ($70K logic analyser, $20K scope, no
multimeter - at least not with leads I can find!. Tsk)
Isn't $50 a bit steep for a PSU? Can't you either borrow
a known good one or at the very least pick up a VLC
from ebay for less than $50? Last time I opened up one
these PSUs (admittedly a VS4000-90 one) it didn't look
that hairy (OK - all I had to do was dig out enough dust
and cruft to let it spin its fans and come up ...). If you
knew that a replacement PSU fixed the problem, you'd
know that you had a tractable problem and where to concentrate.
Equally if a new PSU did not help even with only the mainboard
connected, you'd know that you were likely to be in for a
*much* harder time.