On Mon, 2002-04-15 at 23:03, Zane H. Healy wrote:
I just
downloaded and built simh V2.9. I was able to boot the
RA90 disk image I created for Charon-VAX. No timeout, full
Just to be nit-picky, that would be V2.9-5.
source, with Ethernet support coming.
There's supposed to
be a couple of bugs, but I haven't found them yet.
Ethernet is coming?!?! When? I could really use ethernet support for the
PDP-11 version of SIMH!
TS10 has the beginnings of DELQA & DEQNA support, though I don't know
what the status is.
BTW, how does the speed of the VAX version compare to real hardware?
Running this script I found on Google:
$ set noon
$ orig_privs = f$setprv("ALTPRI")
$ process_priority = f$getjpi(0,"PRIB")
$ cpu_multiplier = 10 ! VAX = 10 - Alpha/AXP = 40
$ cpu_round_add = 1 ! VAX = 1 - Alpha/AXP = 9
$ cpu_round_divide = cpu_round_add + 1
$ init_counter = cpu_multiplier * 525
$ init_loop_maximum = 205
$ start_cputime = f$getjpi(0,"CPUTIM")
$ loop_index = 0
$ 10$:
$ loop_index = loop_index + 1
$ if loop_index .ne. init_loop_maximum then goto 10$
$ end_cputime = f$getjpi(0,"CPUTIM")
$ init_vups = ((init_counter / (end_cputime - start_cputime) + -
cpu_round_add) / cpu_round_divide) * cpu_round_divide
$ loop_maximum = (init_vups * init_loop_maximum) / 10
$ base_counter = (init_counter * init_vups) / 10
$ vups = 0
$ times_through_loop = 0
$ 20$:
$ start_cputime = f$getjpi(0,"CPUTIM")
$ loop_index = 0
$ 30$:
$ loop_index = loop_index + 1
$ if loop_index .ne. loop_maximum then goto 30$
$ end_cputime = f$getjpi(0,"CPUTIM")
$ new_vups = ((base_counter / (end_cputime - start_cputime) + -
cpu_round_add) / cpu_round_divide) * cpu_round_divide
$ if new_vups .eq. vups then goto 40$
$ vups = new_vups
$ times_through_loop = times_through_loop + 1
$ if times_through_loop .le. 5 then goto 20$
$ 40$:
$ new_privs = f$setprv(orig_privs)
$ set message /nofacility/noidentification/noseverity/notext
$ set message /facility/identification/severity/text
$ write sys$output "Approximate System VUPs Rating : ", -
vups / 10,".", vups - ((vups / 10) * 10)
$ exit
I get these results:
1.7GHz P4 4.0
700MHz Athlon 2.8
The emulator is running OpenVMS 7.2 on Linux 2.4.