FW to: ClassicCmp(a)u.washington.edu
CC: cyber(a)prismnet.com
Can anyone give the hard drives and enclosures this fellow has a good
home? The price is certainly right ($10 + shipping). What they are is two
enclosures, each with a pair of Miniscribe 4022's (16 MB each, formatted)
in them, and I've also been led to understand that the enclosures contain a
SCSI-to-MFM bridge board.
Please reply directly to the offerer. Thanks!
Attachment follows.
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X-Sender: cyber(a)prismnet.com
X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Pro Version 3.0 (32)
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 1997 15:28:02 -0600
To: Bruce Lane <kyrrin2(a)wizards.net>
From: Tom Ray <cyber(a)prismnet.com>
Subject: Re: weird SCSI drives
I'll take you up on that offer. I hate to throw things out. Anybody wants
them, they can have both of them for the cost of shipping via USmail plus
$10. if that's too much, let me know. Only thing is, I don't even know if
the drives work.
In short, even if their box does contain a
SCSI-to-MFM bridge board,
they're pretty useless for much of anything current. HOWEVER -- do NOT just
throw them out! Sell them (at no more than $20 for the whole thing) to
someone who can give them a good home, or donate them to whatever computer
charity is in your area.
One other alternative is that I'm a member of a mailing list of folks that
collect "classic" (read: more than 10 years old) hardware/software. Those
drives might be just what some collector needs to get that old Osborne or
Altair of theirs going with a good hard drive. I can, if you'd like,
forward a 'for sale/trade' note to the list for you. If anyone's
interested, they'd contact you directly.
Best of luck, no matter what happens.
Bruce Lane, Sysop, The Dragon's Cave BBS (Fidonet 1:343/272)
Bruce Lane, Sysop, The Dragon's Cave BBS (Fidonet 1:343/272)
(Hamateur: WD6EOS) (E-mail: kyrrin2(a)wizards.net)
"Our science can only describe an object, event, or living thing in our own
human terms. It cannot, in any way, define any of them..."