>>>> "William" == William
Donzelli <aw288 at osfn.org> writes:
> Up at Apex, what did I see, part 2:
> Not too spectacular, just some old reel tapes in (luckily)
> weather-proof containers. BURROUGHS. 3200 fci, so not too ancient.
William> All Burroughs is worth saving, simply because no one saves
William> it.
True, if indeed that has Burroughs stuff on it. It could just be a
boring data tape with the Burroughs name on it. I think all the bing
companies resold magtape with their company name attached to it.
William> For such a big player in the computer industry during the
William> golden age, so few people know anything about the company or
William> their machines.
Indeed. It would be neat to get a hold of the 6700 OS. The
technology there is interesting and unusual.
Someday I hope to recover my copy of Algol for the PDP-11, which was
derived from Burroughs Algol. That software actually is readily
available in the DECUS collection, except that the sources were not
provided. I have them somewhere; the problem is to find the tape...