Subject: Pinout for SED9421
From: lee davison <leeedavison at>
Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2005 02:50:31 +0000 (GMT)
To: cctalk <cctalk at>
Figures.. However they loose a full sector for
every four
which is pretty bad considering sync and other overhead that
floppies incur.
It's not that clever. One 2K block of data per track, no sectors,
no sync, just the 125Kb/s async bitstream. Wait for the index
pulse and read/write the whole track. At the time it was a lot
cheaper than any other disk controller.
They trade being efficient for a lot. Across 35 tracks (sa400) thats
about 18k. NS* hard sector was 10x256 (2560bytes) track, and a
sync chip (one sector per track) will give that much maybe more
as well.
I think what they did was very clever and dirt cheap and the hidden feature
of async is the extra two bit times allows a bit more time to read/write the
port 80uS vs 64uS typical.
Wacky, but soon as you said OSI.. ;) they were a creative lot.