Pardon me if I
ask a stupid question, but If they were going to
implement a high-speed serial bus for the C64/VIC/1541's, why would
they use a device that was primarily designed for PARALLEL
It seems that a 6850/6851 ACIA would have been much more appropriate,
and would have not been such a software mess.
If computer holy war zealots knew the story behind this Commodore debacle
back in the 80's when the flames were at their highest temperatures, the
anti-C64 contingent would have had a field day.
Wouldn't they just!
It seems to me that if it's anything like the PET, they were using this
parallel chip for all sorts of functions - keyboard scanning for a start
- and they were trying to save a chip by putting the high speed serial
link onto the shift register function.
<rant> It doesn't take that much more time/effort/money to do it
properly.... <\rant>