This is the last I'll have to "say" about this. Form your own
The Agony of Victory: Online Auctions and the
Winner's Curse
By Bruce Gottlieb
Online auctions are the Internet flavor of the moment. The best-known
auction site, eBay, went public in September 1998 at $18 and shot up
to $47 by the end of its first day. It's now at about $150, which
means that investors value the company at around $20 billion despite
only $47 million in sales over the last 12 months. Traditional
businesses want in on online auctions as well. You have until March
21, 1999, for instance, to bid on the pink satin eye mask Faye
Dunaway wore in Mommie Dearest (current high bid: $650) at
A technology that allows you to bid on a 1970 Ch\a^teau
Lafite-Rothschild (, $205) without leaving your study is
impressive. But it cannot repeal the laws of economics. One such law
is dubbed the "winner's curse" and holds that the winner of an
auction almost always overpays. As an understanding of this law
makes clear, online auctions make the winner's curse even worse.
Auctions are often thought of as models of economic efficiency,
uniting buyers and sellers at just the right price to maximize their
mutual satisfaction, put resources to their highest and best use,
and so on. But three petroleum engineers writing in the Journal of
Petroleum Technology explained in 1971 why this is not the case.
Suppose several petroleum firms are bidding on the drilling rights to
a piece of tundra. No firm is sure how much oil is underneath the
property, so they hire a team of engineers to poke at the surface
rocks and make a guess. The guesses will likely range from too low
to too high. Some firm's engineer will probably guess right, but
that firm won't win the auction. The winner will be the firm whose
engineer was the most overoptimistic. The winning firm won't
ultimately get as much oil as their engineers promised, meaning the
firm paid too much. In short, the auction "winner" is
ultimately a loser.
This is a particularly clear example because the thing being
auctioned will have a definite value in the future that is
unknowable at present. But the winner's curse afflicts auction
bidders whenever there is uncertainty over the current or eventual
value of the item on the block. This is true even when bidders have
no intention of reselling the item and when its innate value seems
inherently subjective.
For example, bidders for Faye Dunaway's pink eye mask must make some
judgment on how much they care about Faye Dunaway. If that were all,
the winner would likely be the person who cared the most. That would
be economically efficient in two senses: 1) the utility of Dunaway's
eye mask would be maximized by placing it with the person who can
extract the greatest pleasure from it (just as, uncertainty aside,
the highest bidder for an oil field will be the person who can
extract the most oil from it); and 2) that person would pay no more
for the eye mask than the pleasure of owning it was worth to him.
But the course of love is as uncertain as the petroleum content of a
pile of rocks. Bidders must also try to guess how much they'll care
for Faye Dunaway in, say, 10 years. The more you overestimate your
undying affection, the more likely you are to win the auction--and
the more likely you are to feel like an idiot in 2009.
Economists have pointed out that if bidders were truly rational,
they'd simply reduce their bids to correct for the winner's curse.
There is even a mathematical proof that a perfectly rational actor
can avoid the curse. But experimental evidence suggests that even
experienced bidders don't reduce their bids by enough. For instance,
a study of oil field auctions shows that even seasoned firms
typically pay far too much for drilling rights given the amount of
oil they eventually recover. The same phenomenon has been observed
when corporate takeover wizards bid on other companies--the "winner"
often overpays. In other words, oil firms and corporate takeover
specialists keep on getting burned in auctions but persist in
bidding too high. They simply don't learn.
Irritatingly, a rational person who understands the winner's curse
can't do anything about it so long as the other bidders continue to
bid irrationally. If you bid rationally (lower), you won't win any
auctions; if you bid what it takes to win auctions (higher), you'll
lose money because of the winner's curse. Economist Richard Thaler
wickedly suggests a solution: Explain the theory to your
competitors. He posits that this is exactly why the three oil
engineers published their article explaining the curse in 1971.
Their hope was to induce other firms to reduce their bids. If so, it
didn't work, since oil firms continue to overpay.
Online auctions worsen the winner's curse by increasing the number of
bidders. The craziest poor sucker in a group of 20,000 bidders on
the Internet is likely to be crazier than the craziest one among 200
in a Burbank hotel ballroom. That's another thing that experimental
economists have confirmed--the larger the group, the bigger the
winner's curse. There's no satisfactory way to buy rare or one of a
kind items, but online auctions are a particularly bad method.
On the other hand, if buyers at online auctions are persistently
disappointed, it's possible that after a while they'll stop bidding.
It's also possible that experience will lead them to approximate
"rationality," and they'll reduce their bids. Either way, sellers
would find their inflated profits eroded. But auctions have survived
the winner's curse for millenniums, and even the Internet is
unlikely to change that.
To be sure, not all auctions are rip-offs. Remember, there is no
danger of the winner's curse if you are sure about the value of an
item to you. In that situation, the auction device serves its proper
purpose of putting the item in the hands of whoever values it the
most. For instance, suppose you are buying a Beanie Baby for your
little brother or a discounted airline ticket to Cabo San Lucas.
Most folks have a pretty clear idea of how much pleasure they'll get
from their brother's smiles or a few days of sand and surf. And sane
consumers won't bid more than these respective pleasures are worth
to them--meaning that they can't feel cheated.
The winner's curse also doesn't apply when there are many identical
items being auctioned off. In those cases, where there is enough
quantity available to satisfy most bidders, the going price will be
set by the sensible middle of the pack rather than by the most
overoptimistic extremist. The leading example of such an auction is
the stock market. So the winner's curse can't explain the
extravagant price of shares in eBay itself. Unless, of course, when
it comes to Internet shares there is no sensible middle. If
everyone's gone crazy, economic theory isn't much help.
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