> WP...
workspace pointer. back when the 9900 was new registers (memory)
> really ate up chip space and TI had an archetecture in the 990
> where register were in memory instead of in
the CPU. So the WP is a
points to a block of 16 locations in ram that are addressed in
instructions as R0 through R15.
Wow! What a cool architecture! That would be a very handy feature to
have in any processor.
Wouldn't that be an awfully handy feature for doing a context switch? It
would seem simply adjusting WP would perform the appropriate "change of
personality" to select the next user/process...
Exactly, but the down side was the access time to the registers, they
were all memory accesses and no cache in those days.
Hans B Pufal Comprehensive Computer Catalogue
<mailto:hansp@digiweb.com> <http://digiweb.com/~hansp/ccc>