On Sun, 3 Jan 2010, Tony Duell wrote:
Doing it with vavles that are still made is going to
be hard, since the
vlaves currently made are mostly audio types. If you will allow 'valves
that aare still trivial to find in large quatities' it becomes a lot easier.
Doing some more reading, I think I've settled on not doing FM with tubes.
I found some material on doing it with discrete transistors. But I still
want to play with tubes. I found a page on enhanced AA5 designs that,
among other things, get rid of the hot chassis problem. AA5 tubes seem
very cheap and easy to find on ebay.
Try to get a set of the 'Impoverished Radio
Experimenter' books. One of
them covers making a superhet receiver, including home-made air-cored IF
transformers -- the transformers for such sets are a lot harder to find
new rhan valves. These books mostly cover the amateur short wave bands,
but the principles are much the same for AM broadcast receivers.
I'll need something like that for making the required IF coils and
David Griffith
dgriffi at
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