I do think I
could make a Q-bus receiver from a linear IC, like an
"ultra-fast" comparator, pretty easily.
Not being part of this discussion, I wondered why that approach hadn't
considered, given the flexibility it affords. How
fast do you need the
part to be? 20-25 nsec isn't considered to be "ultra fast" nowadays.
When I looked into it, I didn't find a very nice combination of price,
speed, and pin count. I think the ideal part would be a quad comparator,
with 10-20ns propagation delays, 200mV threshold, and rail-rail inputs.
If you know of inexpensive part like that, I could probably figure out
how to use it :-). (Someone with some expertise using linear chips
would be better suited to that task, though.)
"Ultra-fast" seemed to be the marketing term that was being used for
comparators that switched at these speeds, in the datasheets I was