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Subject: [SIGCIS-Members] Jay Wright Forrester
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2016 21:27:40 +0000
From: Deborah Douglas <ddouglas at mit.edu>
To: Sigcis <members at sigcis.org>
I regret to announce the death of one of MIT?s leading computer pioneers Jay W. Forrester.
Forrester died Wednesday,
November 16 at age 98. The New York Times has published an obituary; MIT?s is being
completed as I write. There will
many who can offer comments on Forrester?s myriad contributions but here, I would add that
he has been a stalwart
supporter of the MIT Museum and a regular participant in many programs. I am grateful for
his enthusiasm for sharing
the details of his knowledge about the Servomechanisms Lab, Whirlwind, SAGE, Lincoln
Laboratory, system dynamics and
management. As more information becomes available, I am happy to share with interested
individuals. Debbie Douglas
*Deborah G. Douglas, PhD* ? Director of Collections and Curator of Science and Technology,
MIT Museum, Room N51-209
? 265 Massachusetts Avenue ? Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 ?
http://mitmuseum.mit.edu ?
http://museum.mit.edu/150 ? ddouglas at
mit.edu <mailto:ddouglas at mit.edu> ?
617-253-1766 phone ? 617-253-8994 fax