Hi Tony,
Tony Duell wrote:
I'm pretty
familiar with the VT-11 (GT-40) instruction set, and would be
able to write a port
of that code to run on a HP1350 vector box.
Ah, somebody else has one of those interesting units... I asusme you've
looked inside. It's all random logic (lots of it) to decode a small
subset of HPGL (in ASCII!) into binary numbers of the endpoints of the
vectors, and then display them.
I have a couple of them, and the official HP service manual...
I have two HP1350's, one working (again), and another in rough shape
I've designated as a spare
parts machine (although it is complete). I've written drivers and a few
demo programs for this
box using my home-grown threaded interpreter running on an HP 2113.
This setup was just at VCF East, but due to a flaky dip switch (chanded
the HPIB address!) it was
not running the demo's I'd planned.
I also have an HP 1351 that needs some power supply debugging when I
find the time.
You do realise that the GT40 is a complete computer (there's a PDP11
processor in there), while the HP1350 is just a display. Still you can
hang the 1350 off just about any machine with an HPIB port I guess.
Oh yes, many years ago I had a DEC Graphic 11/40 as my 'personal
computer'. This was an
11/40 with a VT-11 and the floating point microcode, etc. A very nice
machine, I replaced the
original RK-05's with RL-01's and got many good years of service from it.
I always prefered the front panel of the 11/40 to the 11/34 I had after
running out of room for
the 11/40. I regret that 'upgrade' to this day.