This was heading out towards the dumpster today, so I grabbed it. From
what our network admin told me, this router is from the early 1990s.
It looks like Livingston made several varieties of these plain gray
boxes. The identifying markings on this one are very sparse, so I can't
provide much in the way of info about /exactly/ which model this is.
Dimensions are 3.2" x 16.8" x 11.5" and it weighs around 12 lbs. It has
a DB-25F console/diag port. It has another DB-25F port that's
switchable between RS-232 and V.35 (so, presumably, you could hook up a
slower serial device or a T1/E1 device to this). And then it has a
choice of RJ-45, BNC, or AUI ethernet port. The only identifying
marking of note apart from the "PortMaster Internetwork Router" on the
front is small label which reads "Model: IRX S/N: 1A13813".
Some info related to the Livingston and their products can be found
here: <>.
This one does power up and I was able to get a login prompt by
connecting a terminal to the diag port with a null modem cable at 9600
8-N-1. The login and password are unknown. The condition of it is also
unknown, though it's believed to have been working when it was taken out
of service a number of years ago.
Available to the first taker for US$2 + shipping to anywhere in the US
or Canada from zip code 90232. It won't be until sometime next week
that I'll have the time to pack, estimate shipping, and send this out.
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