Subject: RE: Discharging a VT100 CRT
From: "Julian Wolfe" <fireflyst at>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 00:13:50 -0600
To: "'General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts'" <cctalk
Well Well Well.
On closer inspection, it is very clear that the cap is what blew (it's
exploded and blackened on one end) is at C439, and the diode is CR408. The
diode description in the maintenance print is aggravatingly overwritten by
the entry above it as it ran over.
The cap is a 75MFD, 6V, +75-10% Electrolytic cap
Where should I go from here?
Well thats a horse of a differnt color.
CR408 is a 1A 400V diode (1n4006 should do)
the cap is what it is. and should be replaced.
The easy test is replace the diode and cap and see if it works.
if cr408 or R478 get hot (not warm) then other problems exist.