They must have.
The ebay seller just aquired the unit from someone on the LEM Swap list.
The original dealer on the swap list said be bought it from an estate
auction in Texas, and that there were a bunch of them. He reported 2
complete working units, plus enough broken ones to make 12-15 more. He
said the broken ones all had the typical PB 5300 failures (like broken
power connectors).
His feeling was, the items may have been from a repair facility
originally. (He put a friend onto them that will use them for education
where the touch screens will come in handy, so as a result, he was left
with just the one unit which he traded for some other parts to the person
that is now selling it on ebay).
Its a shame to see it end up on ebay. I'd have been much happier to see
it go directly to a collector that would have valued it and not hocked it
off to the highest bidder. Now who knows where it will wind up. (I myself
was interested in it, but since I could only offer $100, I didn't have
much of a shot at getting it when others reportedly offered $500 for it)