Aw Geeze.... is this really the end? I would go nuts
if I couldn't get 9
track mag tapes anymore. Pretty much everything in my collection depends on
it. The note says emag is the last manufacturer. Is that in the US, or in
the world? I'm wondering if they will still be available for purchase, but
will originate from overseas manufacturers.
I had posted disbelief about this in alt.sys.pdp10...
I'd not heard of eMag, but if eMag is EMTEC Magnetics GmbH,
then that's BASF! They didn't quite invent magnetic tape,
but they claim to have been the first to have commercial
success with it.
If BASF is abandoning 9-track magtape, then I fear it's
true, the end is near...
Don Lancaster (yes, *the* Don lancaster) is selling new
reels on E-Bay on a regular basis... bought two reels
last year.
So, I'll be stocking up on new and used tapes, for sure...