On Tue, 11 Nov 1997, Daniel A. Seagraves wrote:
The BUS ERROR wasn't from the card not being
installed. I reinstalled
Can you halt the CPU (RUN light off) from the panel? If not, then you've
probably got grant problems. Try pulling the terminator (M9302 card, I
think - anyway it's in the far left slot). If you can now halt the CPU
from the panel, you've certainly got grant
everything, and it refuses to boot.
Apparently, I've snipped the wrong wires on the UDA50 slots.
Or forgotten to plug things in...
No, that's not it. EVerything's plugged in, the lights on the UDA strobe,
I've cut the wrong pins and boogered this up worse.
These things happen. Remember 'The designer who never blew a chip is a bad
designer. He never designed anything'. That was said to me years ago, and
I've lived by it ever since. You don't want to see a list of the stupid
mistakes I've made...
I really should stop destroying these machines and
just pass them on to
more capable people...
Nonsense. The only way to learn is by doing...
But I like them too much. Where are the pins I am
SUPPOSED to have
clipped? I'll rejumper the old ones, it doesn't look hard...
OK. They're on the 3rd connector from the back (2 connectors behind them,
3 in front). They're the rearmost 2 pins on the righthand side (looking
from the _TOP_ of the backplane). You'll find
they're linked by a little
loop of wire close to the backplane. That's what
you should have cut.
What, in fact, did you cut?