On 20/02/2013, at 1:57 PM, Chris Tofu <rampaginggreenhulk at yahoo.com> wrote:
On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 7:00 PM PST Chris Pye wrote:
That thing is totally ridiculous!
what would make you say such a thing!!!???
it seems people have to be continually reminded that this is a nostalgia group. and as
such it doesn't really matter if something works or not!! let's hear it for light
and airy vaporware!!
I am probably one of the worst offenders of collecting "useless" and
"impractical" machines, and to be honest I would probably buy it if it was close
by and cheap enough.. I just can't fathom why anybody made it, especially at that
time (from what I remember it was late to market). Surely it would have cost as much or
more than an Apple II clone, and knowing how incompatible some Apple II clones were, how
did this machine go running from a C64.
Actually after having a second look I am totally intrigued about the design, did it have
it's own 6502?