Chuck Guzis wrote:
On 15 Nov 2007 at 20:43, Jules Richardson wrote:
Glad my post turned up and I wasn't going
mad, anyway. Just another little
glitch in the Matrix I guess :-)
My apologies--the Beeb story said that it was 4 hours old when I
posted it--but perhaps that was the World Service posting time.
No worries - my outgoing SMTP server just seems to have had a few brain farts
of late, so I was just getting worried it had eaten the message. (Ob.
classiccmp - there was a time when nothing was thought of unreliable email;
funny how people expect it to be instant and 100% reliable these days!)
Certainly there's been a lot of publicity in the
UK and German press
about this, but nary a mention over here in the US.
It's a shame that it all happened a bit last-minute; it would have been nice
to have everything laid out six months ago so that radio amateurs could have
got more involved and really made an 'event' out of it. What with everyone's
time this year being devoted to forming the National museum itself though
there's not been a lot of free time for the more 'fun' stuff :-(
Regardless, it's a good story and I look forward
to the results. One
item that had me wondering was the communications difficulty--are
German radio amateurs no longer entitled to a full gallon of transmit
Someone did tell me, but I forget the exact numbers. 'not much' is the answer;
it was some tiny fraction of the original transmit power though. I'll drop a
message on the museum's mailing list and see if anyone knows...
Apparently there were quite a few raised eyebrows on the German side when
permission was sought to send an encrypted message overseas!