Can somene kindly tell me how to lock/unlock the heads
on a CDC model
PA5N1F15 9" hard drive?
Well, mine's a PA5G1M-20 (8.5x10x30", 9" platters)
and it has its own auto-solenoid, which is easy to see.
Just look on the platter case for a silverish round thing
about 1.5". You should see it has a two wire connector
and can be unscrewed from the mounting plate w/ a twist.
BTW, according to the label, this is an FSD drive - is
the type of interface, or do I actually have an SMD drive?
I belieeeeve that FSD's are just small SMD's. They seemed
to have the same cabling as I recall.
I couldn't find info on the PA5G1M anywhere so I found another
number on the unit, "97150-340 FSD-340" and that seeked
to a Seagate (guess they bought out CDC SMD's), here:
Here it says this FSD is a SMD. Perhaps your drive is there...
first get the other model number.
And we wonder why we subscribe to this list.
John A