I certainly hope that classiccmp does NOT go the direction
of a browser based forum... I don't know about others, but
I don't like having to use browsers to read newsgroups. I
prefer reading and responding to individual messages through
mail. Also, I'm not always at a machine at which I can run
a browser... Finally, even at some of them which do, the
software can't handle the overhead of browser pages and the
system freezes...
Please keep it as it is... (just my $.02)
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Here's my $0.02...
I would keep the current e-mail setup, but adding a web interface would
be nice. But I would say keep the web interface a simple as possible, so
someone running Lynx on an old Vax or IBM won't get killed with the
overhead from browsing the web pages.
---Dave Woyciesjes
---ICQ# 905818