Ethan Dicks <ethan.dicks at> wrote:
On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 3:30 PM, Paul Koning
<Paul_Koning at> wrote:
>>>> "Ethan" == Ethan Dicks <ethan.dicks at> writes:
Ethan> ...and I don't know if a uVAX-I can keep a TK50
Ethan> busy, ...
I should hope so, given that a modest PDP-11 could do so easily.
I wouldn't be so certain - my experience is that the the way the TK50
works, you can store *up to* 95MB per tape *if* you can keep the silos
full. A MicroVAX-I is a slooooow beasty. There's no problem with the
Qbus itself, but my concern would be that system overhead, interrupt
latency, RQDX performance, etc., could be bad enough that the OS just
couldn't fill tape buffers fast enough. Of course, trying to back up
30 MB onto a 95MB tape doesn't require perfect performance.
No. You're mixing two different things.
The speed of the drive is very much dependant on keeping the silos full.
Otherwise it will go into start-stop mode, in which the speed gets
horrenously slow. And I wouldn't be surprused finding out that a uVAX I
can't keep a TK50 streaming. It's a slow beast. A "modern" PDP-11 is
much better.
However, streaming or not should not affect capacity as such. Block
sizes on the other hand do. Doing small blocks drastically reduces
capacity, since you have inter-block gaps on the tape.
Thinking about it, perhaps it's worth the effort
to use Standalone
Backup - that should minimize any OS effects on backup speeds. Once
the tape is written, ISTR the TK50 will back the tape up as necessary
to extract what's on it. It's writing that you _must_ optimize.
Well, from a performance point of view, both reads and writes should be
optimized. Capactiry-wise shouldn't matter. Tape will start-stop and
rewind as needed for both reads and writes.
I'm looking through TK50 manuals, but can't find anything about
inter-block gaps. The TU81 (for example) can have two different sizes of
IBGs, which will affect capacity, and which can be related to tape
speed. As I said, I can't find anything like this for the TK50, but if
there is, it might cause what you are thinking of (except that the IBG
is small by default when in start-stop mode on the TU81, and you have to
explicity ask for a larger IBG).
Other comments about TK50s? Well, they need a lot of cleaning, and you
have to disassemble them when the pick-up skips the arm, which is pretty
common. But anyone who have been playing with these drives probably
knows this already. :-)
Otherwise they keep working pretty reliably.
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol