I have - ready for the dumpster- a bunch of token ringers. None are tested
but came from working mo-chines. Heres' a rough breakdown of the 15 cards:
3 ea - NCR long MCA 16/4 cards, pn 770-00238 (2 B's, 1 A) RJ45 and 9 d-sub
1 ea - IBM short "Auto 16/4" FRU 92G7690 RJ45 only
4 ea - IBM short 16/4 FRU 74F9515 9 d-sub only
5 ea - IBM short 16/4 FRU 74F9321 9 d-sub only
1 ea - Thomas Conrad long ISA 16 bit w/ Tropic 500-4043-001 Rev A, 9 d-sub
1 ea - 3Com TokenLink Velocity ISA 3C319 short 16 bit w/RJ45 and 9 d-sub
Shipping by USPS, approx 10 lbs (might vary when packed but this is close).
If not spoken for by Monday they get chucked. Postage would be from zip
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