On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 3:36 AM, Chris Tofu
<rampaginggreenhulk at yahoo.com> wrote:
C: My "Zeep", an affectionate pet name for
my Zenithink Zepad,
has a resistive touch screen. Alright please just don't ask any
glaring questions
I see what you did there :-)
(you'll likely just get obvious answers). I very
recently realized (and
probably was told along the way) that you need to use your finger
nails, not the tips of your fingers. Works surprisingly well. No, it's not
a keyboard, but acceptable (as long as my patience endures I guess).
I dream of a capacitive screen. I'll make the most of this dog for now.
I used to have a Nokia N800, and know of that trick. However, given
the size of the N800 and its natural way of holding it, thumb-typing
with the nails requires a quite awkward right-angle bend of the tip
joint of the thumb. Ugh.
Joachim Thiemann ::