On 9/30/07, Scott Quinn <compoobah at valleyimplants.com> wrote:
> Ethan Dicks wrote:
> > I have a DEC 4000 (Futurebus+, 1 CPU installed approx 384MB RAM...
It already has network and have plenty of SCSI busses,
but if I'm
going to be paying to power this thing up, it might as well be fully
loaded. I've had it for years and never run across loose spare parts
- so I'm thinking if I ever _do_ get to upgrade mine, it will be by
harvesting parts from another DEC 4000.
I share the same experience in regard to DEC 4000 spare parts.
Apparently, the Futurebus systems were quite rare. Situation seems to
be such, that can get parts only , when you're lucky enough to obtain another
DEC 4000 system.
The spare parts problem seems to be so serious, that I know of people, who
won't let their DEC 4000 run, as they are afraid that boards or other parts my
become defective... knowing that it's difficult to get replacement boards.
Kind regards,
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