I'm finding all this discussion about debugging
Jupiter Ace Fascinating, if a bit over my head.
From what I understand, the unit is VERY similar
to a
Timex/Sinclair 1000 or Sinclair ZX-81.
I beleive the hardware is very different!. The Ace has 3K of memory. 1K
for program storage, 1K for video, 1K for a programmable character
generator. There's a real video timining chain in there too -- the
display is mostly done in hardware, unlike on the ZXs.
Still got my eye out for a ZX-80. When they came out,
It's one of the machines I don;t have either...
I remember going to the Trenton Computer Festival,
having to decide between getting a ZX-80 or a Disk
Drive for my TRS-80 Model I (1981 I think...).
I remember seeing one at a radio rally (hamfest) towards the end of the
1980's. I think I could either have bought that or an TDMS5 teleprinter
test set (full of valves, and with service manual). You can guess what I
did :-)