On 10/14/11 9:46 AM, Al Kossow wrote:
On 10/14/11 7:36 AM, Al Kossow wrote:
> On 10/13/11 10:35 PM, Jason T wrote:
>> The machine appears to be an Arete' 1200
Interesting bit of trivia. It appears that BIX started on
an Arete 1200
Byte Oct 1986 page 6
It will come as no surprise to BYTE
readers that we're building the BYTE
Information Exchange (BIX) with
microcomputers. Since research conducted
among a sample of subscribers
shows we may need to support
more than 1000 simultaneous
users within a year, BIX represents an
exciting challenge to microcomputer
and networking technology. We
thought you might like to know how
a group of outstanding technical people
is helping us face this challenge.
The first and most important step
was to select the microcomputers and
the operating system. Many powerful
microcomputers are available. Clearly
our application will place tremendous
demands on the I/O system of whatever
machines we use. Three members
of McGraw-Hill's top technical unit. Jon
Osser, Bill Coleman, and Mike Shareck,
with a big assist from McGraw-Hill's
chief scientist. corporate vice president
Bill Raduchel. surveyed the marketplace
and chose the Arete 1200,
which was designed for I/O-intensive
operations and runs ARIX, Arete's version
of UNIX System V.
Arete's chief designer, Ernie Rae!.
has created a remarkable I/O engine.
The Arete 1200 has up to 4 "tightly
coupled" 12.5-MHz 68000s acting as
CPUs. These 68000s have a common
multiported main memory shared
through the 32 -bit processor memory
bus and can process up to 2.8 million
instructions per second. Each CPU
has its own 4 K-byte cache and no wait
states when in cache. Main memory
expands as high as 16 megabytes. In
addition to the 68000s serving as
CPUs, the system can accommodate
up to 12 more 68000s, each on an I/O
card that has eight serial ports. The
I/O processor cards each have dualport
RAM that is memory-mapped in
the master CPU's address space for
communication with the CPU. The
Arete 1200 has four separate 32-bit
buses: the interprocessor communication
bus, the processor memory
bus, the utility-transfer bus, and the
data-transfer bus; The data-transfer
bus is 32 bits wide and moves data
at 33.3 megabytes per second. The
system can support four ESMD (extended
storage module device) peripherals
simultaneously reading and/
or writing main memory. When fully
loaded, the Arete 1200 can support
as many as 88 simultaneous users.
Mass storage can be expanded to 9
Phase one of BIX starts in Boston
and will use an Arete 1200 to support
88 simultaneous users. The performance
goal is to have. any BIX
member's communication (conference
comment or private mail message)
available to appropriate parties within
a few seconds. Phase two, probably
underway by the time you read this,
will link three Arete 1200s to support
250 simultaneous users. The Aretes
are linked by devoting one I/O slot in
each machine to Arete's Multibus
adapter and Excelan's EXOS201
Ethernet card for Multibus. The
EXOS201 has a local processor, an
Ethernet controller, local memory,
and an implementation of levels I, 2,
and 3 of the ISO network standard. In
this phase, each. of the three Aretes
will maintain fully redundant database
copies. Updates will be broadcast to
all three machines. A process running
on each machine will carry out the
Phase three is where things get
really interesting. As Ernie Rael says,
"The project is state of the art, so we'll
have to learn the optimal solution:' In
this phase, the network will become
transparent. Arete will provide an
operating-system interface that allows
BIX to access files on any machine in
the network as if all files were in one
system. The transparent network will
be based on the Sun Network File
System (NFS). a virtual file system that
allows files to reside on any system in
the net. Arete is altering the kernel to
ARIX to support the transparent file
access of NFS. If Arete succeeds in
networking 12 to I 5 machines in a
way that provides access to files on
any machine within a few seconds, the
time-sharing scene will be altered
forever, and BYTE will have succeeded
in building BIX while remaining
true to its microcomputer heritage.
Phase four will build the system
above 1000 simultaneous users. In
this phase, the BlX conferencing software
(the University of Guelph's CoSy)
will understand more about its environment.
Co$y author Al Mayer, a
key figure throughout the growth of
BIX, will get to explore his ideas for
distributed conferencing. Plans for
phase four must remain fluid until
we've learned all we can from the.
previous phases.
Can'" microcomputer technology
succeed in linking the microcomputers
of BYTE's readers throughout
the United States and Canada, and
then Europe and Japan? We hope and
believe it can. We will fall back on
mainframe technology if we' must. but
we thought you'd want us to try to
build BIX this way first. TI'ying to build
such a large-scale communications
system with supermicrocomputers is
a venturesome and innovative project.
We are sure to encounter some road-
-blocks. But the history of microcomputers
is full of roadblocks with big
signs reading "Not Possible with
Microcomputers:.',We find this
challenge irresistible. If you want to
monitor oui--'progress-day by day, join
BIX and have a look. If not. we'll keep
you posted in the pages of BYTE.
-Phil Lemmons, Editor in Chief