Presumably if it has a UHF output it also has an
internal modulator. Can't you
just tap off composite video from the input to that?
It does indeed, and on a separate board, too!
Someday I must get a decent TV standard monitor - probably the Barco I
sold to my brother for use as a telly - but I ought to have a composite
one as well (Barco is RGB, of course). At present the monitor I have
requires Video + Composite Sync - or it can free-run and generate sync
for a TV camera.
What chips _other than the 8048_ are in this device?
Is the video side
custom or does it use one of the many Philips video chipsets? (Philips Prestel
terminals tend to be stuffed with their Teletext IC's, for example...)
I can't remember offhand, except that there are quite a lot of them.
I'll have another look tonight.
There seem to be two large rectangular metal cans - one with its own PCB
(probably the UHF modulator) and one on the motherbaord (VHF for US?)