Moving RSX from that RDwhatever that's making bearing noises to a RL02.
Copied all the data files and such to the RL, but the RL isn't bootable.
When I try booting it types ** THIS IS NOT A HARDWAREBOOTABLE VOLUME **
or something along those lines.
This is RSX11-M v4.1
It's a severely butchered configuration made for a graphics workstation
by Genigraphics, that I hope to try making useful.
If the command required doesn't exist, (Likely!) I cam reload RT-11
and kermit the RL up to a PC, put a bootblock on the front, download
it again, and go. Does that sound do-able?
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[BOO DL0:[1,54]RSX11M and say SAV]
No, I used UFD o make all the directories, and then said
PIP DL0:[*,*]*.*;*=DU0:[*,*]*.*;*/FO
I don't have any RSX manuals. Except the user intor manual for v4.5...
[The RT-11 bootblock won't...]
I meant put a RSX bootblock on the front. I need RT-11 to do the kermitting.