Thanks for the tips! I'll make sure it's clean tonight.
- Mike
On Tue, 08 Nov 2005 18:46:54, Joe R. <rigdonj at> wrote:
The first thing that you need to do is to check the
tape drive wheel and
see if it's gummy! If you put a tape in with a gummy wheel you'll ruin it
because the gummy material will stick to the tape and then it will be wound
up between layers of the tape. Then the next time that you use the tape the
gummy material will rip the magnetic media off the tape! Usually they're so
far gone that the "rubber" is melting and running. If it's not obviously
bad then use your finger or the eraser end of a pencil and press it to see
if it's soft. You should not be able to leave a permanent dent in it. If
it's soft or runny then don't put a tape in it unless you're willing to
ruin it.
BTW the old 40Mb tapes for the early tape drives (like the Irwin drives)
for PCs will work in those drives. You can find those around the trift
stores, surplus stores and hamfests. You can format them on the HP-85 using
the INITIALIZE command. Oh! And DEC CompacTapes will work in it too.
At 02:20 PM 11/8/05 -0700, you wrote:
Anyone have one or two tapes they'd be willing
to part with, or let me
borrow briefly? I've got two of these machines and no tapes to go
with, so I don't have a way to test the drives.
Contact me off-list if you can help out or suggest a source.
- Mike