On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 11:42 PM, mc68010 <mc68010 at gmail.com> wrote:
I once bought a Jornada for no other reason than to
impress the woman I was
out on a lunch date with. I think I used it twice. It was the dotcom days. I
had more money than sense. I still have the stupid thing in a drawer
somewhere. The date went ok though.
Met $cutegirl at concert. Chatted, shared laughs. Good signs.
Outside later, walking to our separate cars, I dare to ask for a phone
#. It was offered. Huzzah. Pull out PDA (thinking back to what year
this should have been, probably a Handspring Visor,) prepare to take
down the digits. $cutegirl notices PDA. "Ohh, my mom has one of
I think this is where the kids paste the "forever alone" guy in their thread.
(I did get her number, though.)