Hello, all:
Well, I've finally gotten around to playing with the Diamond TrackStar
board. Has anyone gotten this to work successfully?
I've downloaded all info that I can find relating to the TS, but it only
includes the "hardware" portion of the install manual. Does anyone have the
"software" portion of the manual?
Anyway, here's where I am so far:
The board's installed and the software that I have seems to recognize the
board and allow me to do certain things, like configuring the drive slots
and assigning PC ports to the virtual Apple ports. I was also able to create
a 10mb ProDOS volume on the C drive of this test system (a 486/66 with 16mb
of RAM).
I have a genuine Apple ][ floppy drive connected to the TS. I can "boot"
the Apple ][ drive, but it does not seem to recognize the disk. I've tried
ProDOS8 and DOS 3.3 disks, neither one of which works. I did have the cable
upside down initially, and then reversed it. The drive light comes on at the
right time, so I'm hoping that I did not trash the drive.
The TS has a composite video output, so I figure that I can connect it to
the Apple Color monitor I use for the ][+ I have. All I get is yellow
streaks. I don't have a generic 9-pin RGB monitor to try the direct video
I also noticed that the TS has an empty 16-pin socket at position U63.
Since I have an incomplete manual, this may be for Apple Paddles or
something else. Any info on this?
As always, any information is greatly appreciated.
Rich Cini
Collector of Classic Computers
Build Master for the Altair32 Emulator Project
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