Well, well, well this was a treat.
A while ago I saved a couple of MicroVAX 3400's that were headed for the
dump. They had originally been a two VAX cluster. Now 3400's aren't
particularly exciting as they have a KA640 CPU (2.7 VUPs), on board DSSI
and on board lance ethernet. They were fairly quickly replaced by the 3600
(KA650) and then the 3800 (KA655, 3.8Vups).
So I installed VMS on one of them, and decided to net boot the other into
NetBSD to see what devices it had. Netbooting it failed. Actually the 'B
ESA0' failed with "DEV ERR?" (device error). So I did a SHOW DEV and got a
list of devices in the "wrong" format and an ethernet port EZA0. Did a
double take and reset it to go through the boot sequence again. It reports
as a KA660! (VAX 4000/200) This is great as it eliminates one of the holes
in my KA6xx collection (currently KA630, KA640, KA650, KA655, KA660, and
KA670) Now to find a KA690 (or better yet a KA691) and a KA620 (which I
foolishly gave away at an earlier time) and it will be a clean sweep!
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